European Desalination Society, Via F.P. Tosti, 28 - 67100 L'Aquila, Italy Tel. +39.0862.319954 - Fax +39.0862.3203434 - Tel./Fax +39.0862.314359 - Cell. +39.348.8848406 -


Desalination Publications
International Science Services

Due to the galloping growth of the desalination field to help supply water to an exploding active thirsty population, there has been a surge in the number of scientists and engineers involved in water desalting and wastewater reclamation.
Following this growth, there has been a flood of papers from scientists and engineers, academia, government and industry from all regions of the world recording results of work in the lab or from operation of plants flowing into the editorial office from about 100 countries.
This information needs to be disseminated promptly and widely to the expanding desalination and water community as it is constantly advancing and changing. It is often presented at conferences attended by few. Peerreviewed papers are conveyed through the journal. There is a need to extend the coverage to accommodate additional selected papers promptly. We are ready to meet this challenge with this new publication.

Desalination and Water Treatment
The new journal will be dedicated to research and application of desalination technology, environment and energy considerations, integrated water management, water reuse, wastewater and related topics.We are turning to main players in the field to support the venture by participating in the publication and subscribing to the new journal at an attractive price.

Impact Factor
We have been working closely with Thomson Scientific to expedite evaluation of the new journal for the Web of Science and expect it will be completed shortly. We are confident that the evaluation will be positive so that the Desalination and Water Treatment journal will be included in the Web of Science and Current Contents and it will soon get an impact factor.

Editorial Board
A distinguished worldwide editorial board and associate editors will guide, monitor and review the journal.
For editorial matters, contact:

Peer Review
All papers are peer reviewed by at least two referees. Papers presented at conferences are peer reviewed and selected with the same standards as individually submitted papers. They therefore have the same archival value.

Copyright will be retained by authors who may place their papers on their personal or institutional websites (Harvard System). An electronic copy of the final paper will be provided to authors for such use.

Electronic Submission
Manuscripts will be submitted electronically using an online manuscript submission and peer review system.

Online Desalination Directory (
The Desalination Directory plays a central role in networking the desalination community and all those interested in the field.

The Directory includes geographical and subject indexes, a cumulative index of Desalination, a calendar of events, information about courses and other timely material. Desalination and Water Treatment will be included in the Directory.

There are currently 25,000 entries of which 20,000 are individual owners, suppliers, users, academic, government, and industrial researchers, engineers, operators, managers, sales representatives and consultants, and 4,800 are Institutions, companies and associations.

Abstracting and Indexing
Desalination and Water Treatment will be covered in the Web of Science as well as in all appropriate abstracting services such as:

Aqualine (Infoline)
Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA)
Chemical Abstracts
Chemical Engineering Abstracts
Current Contents (Engineering, Technology & Applied Sciences, Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences)
Dokumentation Wasser
Engineering Index
Environment Periodicals Bibliography: Indexed Article Titles
Health & Safety Science Abstracts
ISMEC Bulletin
Oceanic Abstracts
Pollution Abstractions
Science Citation Index
Selected Abstracts in Water Resource.