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Hanna Jaroszek, Anna Siekierka, Paulina Copik, Agnieszka Korus
Insight into the impacts of acid and base pre-treatment on activated carbon and biochar electrodes in flow-electrode capacitive deionization
314(2023)1-15 Abstract (3686 downloads)
Tania Garcia, Federico Leon, Alejandro Ramos, Carlos A. Mendieta Pino
Design, research and development of surface tension equipment with teaching purpose
309(2023)133-139 Abstract (3788 downloads)
Gerard Massons, Guillem Gilabert-Oriol, Hardik Pandya, Rajesh Mon Balakrishnan, María Ángeles Pérez Maciá
Experience with seawater reverse osmosis SW30XFR-400/34i membrane at large desalination plant in United Arab Emirates
309(2023)105-108 Abstract (3786 downloads)
Paula Campesino-Karlins, Steven Duranceau
Conducting distribution system corrosivity evaluations using an innovative jar test procedure
295(2023)1-17 Abstract (3807 downloads)
Martina Mercurio, Sunday Joseph Olusegun, Krystyna Malinska, Katarzyna Wystalska, Jolanta Sobik-Szoltysek, Agnieszka Dabrowska, Pawel Krysinski, Magdalena Osial
Removal of tetracycline and rhodamine from aqueous systems by pristine biochar derived from poultry manure
288(2023)72-86 Abstract (3721 downloads)
May Ahmad, Rashed Al-Sa’ed, Peter van der Steen
Enhancing the governance of industrial wastewater using cleaner production and water footprint principles: a case study of two dairy companies in Palestine
275(2022)339-349 Abstract (3830 downloads)
Ola Majadbeh, Muath Abu Sadah, Ben Sonneveld, Amer Marei
Precision irrigation of five years date palm trees (Majdool variety) by applying Hydrus-2D software: Jericho area/West Bank (occupied Palestinian territories)
275(2022)323-338 Abstract (3818 downloads)
Riyad Abusamra, A. Rasem Hasan, Abdallah Alimari, Muhannad Alhajhussein, Mohammed Saleh, Rashed Al-Sa’ed, Raed Alary
Enhanced fodder production using treated wastewater from a pilot constructed wetland system
275(2022)313-322 Abstract (3835 downloads)
Zakiyeh Namrotee, Zsuzsanna Bufa-Dorr, Viktória Finta, Bálint Izsák, Ágnes Sebestyén, Károly Töro, Márta Vargha
Analysis and assessment of human lead exposure from drinking water and the influencing factors associated with lead
275(2022)306-312 Abstract (3825 downloads)
A. Rasem Hasan, Fajar Sidiq, Patrick Huntjens, Hanan A. Jafar, J.O. Kroesen
Entrepreneurial options for capacitive electrodialysis (CED) in the West Bank, Palestine
275(2022)291-305 Abstract (3814 downloads)
Maher Al-Jabari, Hassan Sawalha, Bayan Al-Qasrawi, Malak Al-Osily, Shatha Banat
Stability of UV-visible spectrophotometric measurements for investigating the adsorption of hexavalent chromium from wastewater
275(2022)284-290 Abstract (3823 downloads)
Hassan Sawalha, Maher Al-Jabari, Nareman Zahdeh, Dania Aburayyan, Marwa Jbour, Haneen Abufarah
Characterization of wastewater from dairy industry in Palestine and its adsorption on biowaste
275(2022)278-283 Abstract (3831 downloads)
Mazen Abualtayef, Israa Abushaban, Hatem AbuEltayef, Adnan Azazmeh, Thaer Abushbak, Anwar Mousa, Enas Abu Laban, Ruba Zaghmouri, Bushra Khalidi, Lour Kuttab
Assessment of the potential deployment of prepaid water meters in the Gaza Strip
275(2022)268-277 Abstract (3859 downloads)
Abdelmajid Nassar, Husam Al-Najar, Reem Abukmeil, Rashed Al-Sa’ed
A feasible scheme for slaughterhouse wastewater treatment using an anaerobic digestion batch reactor followed by an aerobic treatment stage
275(2022)260-267 Abstract (3821 downloads)
Mays Nofal, Nasser J.Y. Sholi, Amer Marei, Saed Khayat
The diversity and efficiency of sulphate-reducing bacteria in selected groundwater at West Bank, Palestine
275(2022)253-259 Abstract (3826 downloads)
Odai A. Attili, Rashed M. Al-Sa’ed
Efficacy of natural wetlands along Wadi Zomer as a sustainable phytoremediation alternative for industrial effluents from Nablus West, Palestine
275(2022)245-252 Abstract (3827 downloads)
Marwan Haddad, Anan Abahri
Nutrient uptake and its distribution in faba beans grown in a hydroponic system influenced by nutrients and salinity treatment
275(2022)233-244 Abstract (3851 downloads)
Abdelrazeq M. Mohsen, Ayed Salama
The effect of soil moisture conservation techniques on almond seedling growth and survival rate
275(2022)221-232 Abstract (3838 downloads)
Ahmed Al-Sayara, Amer Marei , Saed Khaya, Ben Sonneveld
Optimization of removal thermotolerant coliform (TTC) from drinking water using bio-sand filter (BSF) Masafer Yatta /Hebron West Bank – occupied Palestinian territories
275(2022)207-220 Abstract (3832 downloads)
Reem Khalil, Nidal Mahmoud
Assessment of drinking water quality at public schools at Jenin Directorate of Education, Palestine
275(2022)196-206 Abstract (3805 downloads)
Eman Jarrar, A. Rasem Hasan, Abdallah Alimari, Mohammed Saleh
Water and fertilizers use efficiency of lettuce plants cultivated in soilless conditions under different irrigation systems
275(2022)184-195 Abstract (3854 downloads)
Munqez J.Y. Shtaya, Mahmoud Droubi, Heba Al-Fares, Hassan Abu-Qaoud
The effect of salicylic acid and brassinosteroids on the performance of sweet pepper plant (Capsicum annuum) under different salinity levels
275(2022)177-183 Abstract (3826 downloads)
Uche Godwin Aliagha, Firuza Begham Mustafa
Urban lake physicochemical parameters seasonal and vertical variability within the context of ecological disturbance theory
269(2022)249-261 Abstract (3921 downloads)
Uche Godwin Aliagha, Firuza Begham Mustafa
Examining seasonality and vertical variability of heavy metals contamination in urban lake Malaysia using discriminant analysis
268(2022)57-66 Abstract (3920 downloads)
Author Index
265(2022)297-300 Abstract (4006 downloads)
265(2022)175-296 Abstract (3988 downloads)
European Desalination Society Conference on Desalination for the Environment, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, June 20-23, 2022
Contents of Book of Abstracts
265(2022)167-174 Abstract (3996 downloads)
Osumanu Haruna Ahmed, Maru Ali, Rose Abdullah, Ahmed Jalal Khan Chowdhury, Nur Thaqifah Salleh, Adiza Alhassan Musah
Co-application of triple super phosphate and chicken litter biochar improves phosphorus availability of mineral tropical acid soils to reduce water pollution
264(2022)40-53 Abstract (3999 downloads)
Mahaad Issa Shammas
Artificial recharge via injection wells for salinity ingress control of Salalah plain aquifer, Sultanate of Oman
263(2022)230-247 Abstract (3977 downloads)
Sebastian Kujawiak, Malgorzata Makowska
Wastewater treatment in a hybrid barbotage reactor with continuous aeration
260(2022)1-12 Abstract (4068 downloads)
Ghazay F. Alotaibi, Rashed S. Alasmari, Abdullah N. Alzowaid
A review of harmful algal blooms (HABs) and their potential impacts on desalination facilities
252(2022)1-17 Abstract (4990 downloads)
Justyna Koc-Jurczyk, Lukasz Jurczyk, Maciej Balawejder, Joanna Kisala
The impact of 3,3’,5,5’-tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) solution pretreatment by ozonolysis and photocatalysis on the activated sludge respirometric activity
246(2022)1-11 Abstract (4895 downloads)
Mesmire Wilson, Ms. Gul Ruk, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf
The role of nanotechnology, based on carbon nanotubes in water and wastewater treatment
242(2021)12-21 Abstract (5079 downloads)
Courtney Powell, Steven J. Duranceau
Nanometer and micrometer particle occurrence in the feed-concentrate channels of a nanofiltration membrane process
242(2021)1-11 Abstract (5068 downloads)
Fei Liu, Xixue Tan, Yunkai Zhang, Jian Zhang
Anti-liquefaction performance of rubber-sand mixture for water treatment
241(2021)40-50 Abstract (5096 downloads)
Waseem Akram, Muhammad Zahid, Ghulam Mustafa, Kamran Akbar, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf
Synthesis and application of molecular imprinted polymers for online monitoring of textile dyes in wastewater
241(2021)35-39 Abstract (5091 downloads)
Yu Song, Xuejun Chen, Jianqiang Wang, Xiang Huang
Shear strength characteristics of cadmium-contaminated red clay following the analysis of dry-wet cycles and water content
241(2021)29-34 Abstract (5103 downloads)
Zeng Ying
Anaerobic-aerobic biodegradation of antibiotic wastewater
241(2021)20-28 Abstract (5121 downloads)
Gang Li, Xiaoming Liu, Zhongqin Yang
Test method of seawater desalination plant based on information fusion
241(2021)11-19 Abstract (5101 downloads)
Lijun Zhang, Kecheng Liu, Jinxing Yu, Hesong Han, Qiu Chen, Chongming Chen
Design of online monitoring system for heavy metal mercury in industrial wastewater based on ZigBee wireless network
239(2021)31-40 Abstract (5356 downloads)
Qingrong Luo, Lin Chen, Fugui Liu
Optimization of denitrification treatment of freshwater aquaculture tail water based on distributed control technology
239(2021)19-30 Abstract (5345 downloads)
Wei Dong, Manjun Xie, Shunhua Zhu, Jianheng Zhang, Jie Yin
Effect of effluent from a sewage treatment plant in Shanghai on the slow flow of the Yangtze River
239(2021)13-18 Abstract (5376 downloads)
Gilbert Randrianarison, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf, John Rigobert Zaonarivelo
The potentiality of Arthrospira platensis microalgal species for mining wastewater bioremediation by biosorption removal of heavy metals (Zn2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Fe2+)
239(2021)1-12 Abstract (5361 downloads)
Ewa Wysowska, Alicja Kicinska
Assessment of health risks with water consumption in terms of content of selected organic xenobiotics
234(2021)1-14 Abstract (5473 downloads)
Daniel Schroeder, Robert G. Maliva, Thomas M. Missimer
Production aquifer water salinity change impacts on brackish-water reverse osmosis desalination facility process design and operation: The City of Clewiston, Florida
233(2021)1-10 Abstract (5528 downloads)
Fuqiang Wang, Xinli Hou, Heng Zhao, Pingping Kang, Subing Lv
Suitable eco-environmental water requirement in Sanmenxia Reservoir wetland based on 3S technology
228(2021)1-13 Abstract (5633 downloads)
Daniel Schroeder, Ashley Danley-Thomson, Thomas M. Missimer
How feedwater characterization changes effect brackish-water reverse osmosis plant operation: the town of Jupiter, Florida
227(2021)1-15 Abstract (5590 downloads)
Shuang Yang, Jiancheng Chen, Xiuru Wang
Water transfer projects and Water-Energy-Food Nexus governance from the perspective of game theory
222(2021)16-22 Abstract (5701 downloads)
Jan K. Kazak, Szymon Szewranski, Tomasz Pilawka, Katarzyna Tokarczyk-Dorociak, Kamil Janiak, Malgorzata Swiader
Changes in water demand patterns in a European city due to restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
222(2021)1-15 Abstract (5732 downloads)
Shengqiang Shen, Bing Ni, Yihao Li, Xiaohua Liu
The effects of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ion concentrations in brine on scaling formation and morphology on metal surfaces
221(2021)11-22 Abstract (5704 downloads)
Malgorzata Makowska, Marcin Spycha?a, Maciej Pawlak
Efficacy and reliability of wastewater treatment technology in small meat plants
221(2021)1-10 Abstract (5713 downloads)
Yongxiao Cao, Jianping Yuan, Huaibin Wei
Relationship between meteorological and hydrological drought in the mountain areas: a study in the upper reaches of Ying River, China
220(2021)22-35 Abstract (5743 downloads)
Zhao-Xian Su, Guo-Xing Zhang, Long Xu, Gong-Han Geng, Yi-Cun Wang, Irfan Ali
Carbon emission performance in logistics in the Yellow River basin
220(2021)14-21 Abstract (5724 downloads)
Gang Xu, Zhen Chen, Mingliang Hu, Shuqi Wang
Hydrodynamic study on horizontal-axis tidal current turbine with coupling motions
220(2021)1-13 Abstract (5786 downloads)
Zhiwen Yang, Pingzhen Zhou
Research on marine pollution detection system based on wireless sensor network
219(2021)18-23 Abstract (5760 downloads)
Li Jia, Lei Huang
Long term effect of biochar on the efficiency of subsurface flow wetland pollutant treatment
219(2021)11-17 Abstract (5800 downloads)
Bo Chen, Hongtao Chen, Hongbao Liang, Zhanheng Ma
Research progress of aging oil dehydration treatment process
219(2021)1-10 Abstract (5838 downloads)
Shihe Zhou, Xinyu Liu, Yin Feng, Yongning Bian, Shengqiang Shen
Parametric study and multi-objective optimization of a combined cooling, desalination and power system
217(2021)1-21 Abstract (5744 downloads)
Daniel W. Schroeder, Weixing Guo, Thomas M. Missimer
Groundwater quality change impacts on a brackish-water reverse osmosis water treatment plant design: the City of Clearwater, Florida
211(2021)31-44 Abstract (5749 downloads)
D. Xevgenos, M. Marcou, V. Louca, E. Avramidi, G. Ioannou, M. Argyrou, P. Stavrou, M. Mortou, F.C. Küpper
Aspects of environmental impacts of seawater desalination: Cyprus as a case study
211(2021)15-30 Abstract (5737 downloads)
Maximilian Waack, Heike Glade, Stephan Nied
Falling film flow characteristics on horizontal tubes and their effects on scale formation in seawater evaporators
211(2021)1-14 Abstract (5751 downloads)
Wlodzimierz Kanownik, Agnieszka Policht-Latawiec, Jolanta Dabrowska
Influence of human activities on water quality in two rural catchments - understanding the drivers and relationships for effective restoration
206(2020)10-21 Abstract (5066 downloads)
Marcin Spychala, Justyna Starzyk, Agnieszka Wolna-Maruwka, Hung Thanh Nguyen
Removal of bacteria and pollutants from low susceptible to bio-decomposition septic tank effluent by non-woven filters
206(2020)1-9 Abstract (5082 downloads)
Ahmed Mohmoud, Fethi Kooli, Yan Liu
Waste of pine seeds as bio-removal agent for methylene blue from aqueous solution: regeneration and single-stage batch design
204(2020)144-154 Abstract (5189 downloads)
Natalie J. Harvey, Danvers E. Johnston, Thomas M. Missimer
Long-term pumping-induced groundwater quality changes at a brackish-water desalination facility, Sanibel Island, Florida
202(2020)1-13 Abstract (5342 downloads)
Kenneth P. Goodboy, Thomas M. Missimer
Evaluation of desalinated seawater vs. filtered raw seawater for heap leach copper extraction on mountaintop mines in arid regions
194(2020)1-18 Abstract (5533 downloads)
R. Gueccia, A.M.M. Alhadidi, A. Cipollina, G. Micale
Donnan dialysis for tap-water softening
192(2020)19-32 Abstract (5538 downloads)
Ahlam F.M. Alsayed, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf
Modified nanofiltration membrane treatment of saline water: a review
187(2020)93-105 Abstract (6244 downloads)
Ng Kah Mun, Radin Maya Saphira Radin Mohamed, Muhammad Safwan Miswan, Adel Al-Gheethi, Amir Hashim Mohd Kassim, Yuichiro Mishima
Phytoremediation efficiencies of Spirodela polyrhiza and Brassica oleracea in removing nutrients from treated sewage effluent
187(2020)87-92 Abstract (6252 downloads)
Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin, Noorjima Abd Wahab, Mohd Armi Abu Samah, Nor Bakhiah Baharim, Roslanzairi Mostapa, Roslan Umar, Khairul Nizam Abdul Maulud, Mohd Hariri Arifin, Muhammad Hafiz Md Saad, Siti Nor Aisyah Md Bati
Potential of field turbidity measurements for computation of total suspended solid in Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu, Malaysia
187(2020)11-16 Abstract (6243 downloads)
Wei Li, Zong-kun Li, Wei Ge, Hexiang Zhang
Environmental impact evaluation model of dam breach —considering the uncertainty feature of environment
183(2020)131-138 Abstract (8140 downloads)
Nur Asyikin Ahmad Nazri, Raba’ah Syahidah Azis, Hasfalina Che Man, Abdul Halim Shaari, Norlaily Mat Saiden, Ismayadi Ismail
Equilibrium studies and dynamic behaviour of cadmium adsorption by magnetite nanoparticles extracted from mill scales waste
171(2019)115-131 Abstract (10695 downloads)
Sebastián Herrera-León, Constanza Cruz, Andrzej Kraslawski, Luis A. Cisternas
Current situation and major challenges of desalination in Chile
171(2019)93-104 Abstract (10750 downloads)
Hamidreza Shabgard, Ramkumar Parthasarathy, Ben Xu
Energy and exergy analysis of a novel multiple-effect vapor chamber distillation system for high-salinity wastewater treatment
171(2019)1-17 Abstract (10723 downloads)
Hala Abu Ali, Margaret Baronian, Liam Burlace, Philip A. Davies, Suleiman Halasah, Monther Hind, Abul Hossain, Clive Lipchin, Areen Majali, Maya Mark, Tim Naughton
Off-grid desalination for irrigation in the Jordan Valley
168(2019)143-154 Abstract (10975 downloads)
Rashidi Othman, Wan Syibrah Hanisah Wan Sulaiman, Zainul Mukrim Baharuddin, Lukman Hakim Mahamod, Khairusy Syakirin Has-Yun Hashim
Impact of sandy soil physico-chemical properties towards urban lakes eutrophication and inorganic pollutant status
163(2019)404-408 Abstract (11973 downloads)
Rashidi Othman, Wan Syibrah Hanisah Wan Sulaiman, Zainul Mukrim Baharuddin, Lukman Hakim Mahamod, Khairusy Syakirin Has-Yun Hashim
Influences of laterite soil towards physico-chemical properties and heavy metals concentration in urban lake quality index
163(2019)398-403 Abstract (12056 downloads)
Eva Pajorova, Ladislav Hluchy
Virtual reality of water management in a big town
163(2019)1-6 Abstract (12020 downloads)
Suling Wang, Jinbo Li, Kangxing Dong, Qinghai Yang
Research on the expansion mechanism of hydraulic fracture branching induced by weak bedding shear slip
157(2019)219-227 Abstract (14132 downloads)
Fuchu Dai, Wenping Dong, Zhiquan Huang, Jiahua Lei, Hongying Zhang
Deformation mechanism of Area C landslide in Suijiang, Xiangjiaba Reservoir, Yunnan Province, China
157(2019)209-218 Abstract (14161 downloads)
Mokhtar Guizani, Takeru Maeda, Ryusei Ito, Naoyuki Funamizu
Engineering of size-controlled magnetic nanoparticles for use as a draw solution in a forward osmosis process
154(2019)21-29 Abstract (14197 downloads)
Mokhtar Guizani, Megumi Saito, Ryusei Ito, Naoyuki Funamizu
Combined FO and RO system for the recovery of energy from wastewater and the desalination of seawater
154(2019)14-20 Abstract (14202 downloads)
Yu Qin, Zhengmian Liu, Zhe Li, Boxiao Yang
The properties of CO2 and CH4 fluxes across water-air interface at the Three Gorges Reservoir, the mainstream of Yangtze River from Zhutuo to Wanzhou, China
152(2019)75-81 Abstract (14221 downloads)
Bo Wang, Tianyu Fan, Mengqi Liu, Fuqiang Wang, Xiangtian Nie
Evaluation of management level of water conservancy construction supervision unit based on variable weight fuzzy theory
152(2019)66-74 Abstract (14208 downloads)
Qigen Deng, Hao Wang, Xifa Wu, Jingping Yin, Tao Zhang, Mingju Liu
Thermal simulation experiment and research on the system of coal/coal and water/coal and water and MgSO4/coal and water and CaSO4
149(2019)388-397 Abstract (14134 downloads)
Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf, Khaled S. Balkhair, Ahmad Jalal Khan Chowdhury, Marlia Mohd Hanafiah
Treatment of Taman Beringin landfill leachate using the column technique
149(2019)370-387 Abstract (14141 downloads)
Fei Yin, Guofan Yang, Mengdong Yan, Qimeng Xie
Application of multispectral remote sensing technology in water quality monitoring
149(2019)363-369 Abstract (14143 downloads)
Jun Yuan, Weizhi Feng, Xingming Jang, Jingli Wang
Saline-alkali migration in soda saline soil based on sub-soiling technology
149(2019)352-362 Abstract (14128 downloads)
Yijun Liu, Ziwen Zhang, Yang Li, Tie Liu, Wujian Ye, Shaowei Weng
Monitoring and scheduling of pollution disaster in agricultural waters based on INSAR
149(2019)341-351 Abstract (14121 downloads)
Feng Yan, Zhiguang Niu
Evaluation model of major heavy metals pollution factors in coastal waters and sediments
149(2019)335-340 Abstract (14138 downloads)
Zhengong Tong
The treatment of micro-polluted source waters by micro-vortex clarification
149(2019)329-334 Abstract (14121 downloads)
Manqiu Hao, Cheng Gao, Dong Sheng, Dandan Qing
Review of the influence of low-impact development practices on mitigation of flood and pollutants in urban areas
149(2019)323-328 Abstract (14132 downloads)
Jianhua Xiong, Tianyu Zhao, Hao Cheng, Shilong Li, Shuangfei Wang, Guoning Chen
The assessment on the heavy metal pollution and health risks in the Liujiang River under the Xijiang River region
149(2019)315-322 Abstract (14132 downloads)
Huaibin Wei, Jun-e Zhang, Shailesh Kumar Singh, Mingna Wang
Response of hydrological system to urbanization: a case study in Tianjin City, China
149(2019)305-314 Abstract (14143 downloads)
Zhigong Peng, Baozhong Zhang, Yu Liu, Zhuping Sheng
Estimation of regional water-saving potential using remotely sensed evapotranspiration data
149(2019)295-304 Abstract (14168 downloads)
Jie Yang, Pengqiang Cao, Yulan Gao, Rusheng Jia, Youxiao Tu, Yuezan Tao
Influence of mine drainage on regional groundwater of Shilou iron mine in Huaibei City, Anhui Province, China
149(2019)288-294 Abstract (14156 downloads)
Marlia M. Hanafiah, Nor Fadillah Ghazali, Siti Norliyana Harun, Hayder Saadoon Abdulaali, Mahmood J. AbdulHasan, Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin
Assessing water scarcity in Malaysia: a case study of rice production
149(2019)274-287 Abstract (14135 downloads)
Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin, Aliyu Muhammad Nalado, Mohd Ekhwan Toriman, Hafizan Juahir, Roslan Umar, Azimah Ismail, Noorjima Abd Wahab, Muhammad Hafiz Md Saad, Khairul Nizam Maulud, Marlia Mohd Hanafiah, Ahmad Shakir Mohd Saudi, Hazamri Harith
Evolution of river geomorphology to water quality impact using remote sensing and GIS technique
149(2019)258-273 Abstract (14223 downloads)
Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin, Nur Hishaam Sulaiman, Noorjima Abd. Wahab, Mohd Ekhwan Toriman, Marlia Mohd Hanafiah, Roslan Umar, Abdul Rahman Hassan, Mohd Hafiz Rosli, Mohd Armi Abu Samah, Hazamri Harith
Impact of Malaysia major flood to river geomorphology changes and total suspended solid using GIS technique
149(2019)242-257 Abstract (14205 downloads)
Noorjima Abd Wahab, Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin, Mohd Ekhwan Toriman, Hafizan Juahir, Muhammad Hafiz Md Saad, Frankie Marcus Ata, Adiana Ghazali, Abdul Rahman Hassan, Hanif Abdullah, Khairul Nizam Maulud, Marlia Mohd Hanafiah, Hazamri Harith
Sedimentation and water quality deterioration problems at Terengganu River Basin, Terengganu, Malaysia
149(2019)228-241 Abstract (14189 downloads)
Muhammad Mansoor Shaikh, Awadh AlSuhaimi, Marlia Mohd Hanafiah, Solhe F. Alshahateet
Release of organic contaminants migrating from polyvinyl chloride polymeric into drinking water under three successive stagnant periods of time
149(2019)105-116 Abstract (14170 downloads)
Lin Zhang, Yigang Wang, Dake Chen, Cheng Chen
Prediction and correction of scaling effects on velocity profile in hydraulic laboratory experiments
149(2019)31-42 Abstract (14184 downloads)
Mohan Kumar Manikam, Azhar Abdul Halim, Marlia M. Hanafiah, Renga Rao Krishnamoorthy
Removal of ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, phosphorus and COD from sewage wastewater using palm oil boiler ash composite adsorbent
149(2019)23-30 Abstract (14146 downloads)
Loay T.A. Salama, Khaled Z. Abdalla
Design and analysis of a solar photovoltaic powered seawater reverse osmosis plant in the southern region of the Gaza Strip
143(2019)96-101 Abstract (14233 downloads)
Andras Jozsef Toth, Eniko Haaz, Tibor Nagy, Ariella Janka Tarjani, Daniel Fozer, Anita Andre, Nora Valentinyi, Peter Mizsey
Novel method for the removal of organic halogens from process wastewaters enabling water reuse
130(2018)54-62 Abstract (14473 downloads)
Mohamed N. Gomaa, Mansour A. Al-Hazmi, Hatem E. Mohamed, David J. Mulla, Imen Hannachi, Kamel M. Sheikho, Ahmed M. Abouwarda, Essam A.H. Mostafa, Wayne W. Carmichael
A model to predict HAB occurrence near desalination plants in the Red Sea
129(2018)1-13 Abstract (14429 downloads)
Ewa Laskowska, Marian Turek, Krzysztof Mitko, Piotr Dydo
Concentration of mine saline water in high-efficiency hybrid RO-NF system
128(2018)414-420 Abstract (14384 downloads)
Anna Kwieci?ska, Mateusz Kochel, Katarzyna Rychlewska, Jan Figa
The use of ultrafiltration in enhancement of chemical coke oven wastewater treatment
128(2018)214-221 Abstract (14403 downloads)
Katarzyna Rychlewska, Anna Kwiecinska, Mateusz Kochel, Jan Figa
The use of polymeric and ceramic ultrafiltration in biologically treated coke oven wastewater polishing
128(2018)207-213 Abstract (14349 downloads)
Zhongpei Liu, Wanhua Yuan, Yuping Han, Dongqing Zhang, Jianxun Liu
Hydrochemical evolution mechanism of groundwater in the People’s Victory Canal Irrigation District, China
126(2018)81-86 Abstract (14403 downloads)
Lan Hee Kim, Maria Nava-Ocampo, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, Joop C. Kruithof, Johannes S. Vrouwenvelder
The membrane fouling simulator: development, application, and early-warning of biofouling in RO treatment
126(2018)1-23 Abstract (14378 downloads)
Yu-qiao Long, Ting-ting Cui, Wei Li, Yong-wei Gai
A geostatistical approach to groundwater pollution source identification considering first order reaction
123(2018)35-40 Abstract (14609 downloads)
Zhuoyu Xie, Yongbing Huang, Yang Cao, Lili Lin, Min Huang
Electrochemical desorption of high-iron manganese ore
123(2018)27-34 Abstract (14556 downloads)
Qingliang Chang, Xikui Sun, Huaqiang Zhou, Xianyuan Shi
A multivariate matrix model of analysing mine water bursting and its application
123(2018)20-26 Abstract (14590 downloads)
W. Zhang, K. Blum, M. Gros, L. Ahrens, H. Jernstedt, K. Wiberg, P.L. Andersson, B. Björlenius, G. Renman
Removal of micropollutants and nutrients in household wastewater using organic and inorganic sorbents
120(2018)88-108 Abstract (14589 downloads)
ZhenHua Li, ZhiHong Zou, Xiaojing Wang
Energy efficiency evaluation for wastewater treatment plant
119(2018)276-281 Abstract (14582 downloads)
Chengcai Zhang, He Huang, Ying Li
Analysis of water accumulation in urban street based on DEM generated from LiDAR data
119(2018)253-261 Abstract (14557 downloads)
Zhigong Peng, Baozhong Zhang, Di Xu, Jiabing Cai
Optimization of irrigation schedule based on the response relationship of water consumption and yield for winter wheat in North China Plain
118(2018)26-38 Abstract (14640 downloads)
Liu Yang, Xue Bai, Nina Zheng Khanna, Sooyeon Yi, Yinjie Hu, Jun Deng, Haoran Gao, Lanhe Tuo, Shijie Xiang, Nan Zhou
Water evaluation and planning (WEAP) model application for exploring the water deficit at catchment level in Beijing
118(2018)12-25 Abstract (14590 downloads)
Yijie Zhang, Zhenjie Yang, Haolin Yang, Shiyu Song, Wenqi Xu, Lingqiong Kong, Yang Yu
Effects of different drip irrigation patterns on water distribution in potted Yunnan red loam and yellow-sand soil and pepper growth
118(2018)1-11 Abstract (14673 downloads)
Khaled S. Balkhair, Amjad Masood, Mansour Almazroui, Khalil Ur Rahman, Omar A. Bamaga, Ahmed S. Kamis, Iqbal Ahmed, Mohammed I. Al-Zahrani, K. Hesham
Groundwater share quantification through flood hydrographs simulation using two temporal rainfall distributions
114(2018)109-119 Abstract (14666 downloads)
Subing Lü, Huan Yang, Fuqiang Wang, Pingping Kang
HR water consumption marginal benefits and its spatial-temporal disparities in Henan Province, China
114(2018)101-108 Abstract (14680 downloads)
Bing Zhang, Hanliang Fu
Effect of guiding policy on urban residents’ behavior to use recycled water
114(2018)93-100 Abstract (14650 downloads)
Anna Trusek-Holownia, Jagoda Ciereszko
Solids removal from Balneo peat extracts
114(2018)69-72 Abstract (14636 downloads)
Mohamed N. Gomaa, Imen Hannachi, Wayne W. Carmichael, Mansour A. Al-Hazmi, Ahmed M. Abouwarda, Essam A.H. Mostafa, Hatem E. Mohamed, Kamel M. Sheikho, David J. Mulla
Low diversity triggers harmful algae bloom (HAB) occurrence adjacent to desalination plants along the Red Sea
114(2018)1-12 Abstract (14737 downloads)
Fuqiang Wang, Meiqi Sun, Subing Lü, Zuhao Zhou
Analysis of spatial-temporal evolution of agricultural drought based on regional agricultural drought index
112(2018)351-356 Abstract (14740 downloads)
Muhammad Mansoor Shaikh, Awadh O. AlSuhaimi, Marlia M. Hanafiah, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf, Siti Norliyana Harun
Study on migration of phenolic and volatile organic compounds from plastic pipes used in plumbing home networks into tap water
112(2018)344-350 Abstract (14753 downloads)
Hassan Mohammed Ali Alssgeer, Muhammad Barzani Gasim, Marlia M. Hanafiah, Elhadi Ramadan Ali Abdulhadi, Azman Azid
GIS-based analysis of water quality deterioration in the Nerus River, Kuala Terengganu Malaysia
112(2018)334-343 Abstract (14690 downloads)
Zhongpei Liu, Yuting Zhao, Yuping Han, Chunying Wang, Fuqiang Wang
Driving factors of the evolution of groundwater level in People’s Victory Canal Irrigation District, China
112(2018)325-333 Abstract (14589 downloads)
Zhigang Liu, Qinchao Xu
Wetting patterns estimation in cultivation substrates under drip irrigation
112(2018)319-324 Abstract (14697 downloads)
Nurul Syahidah Zafisah, Wei Lun Ang, Daniel James Johnson, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Nidal Hilal
Effect of different filter aids used in cake filtration process on the removal of suspended solids in anaerobically digested palm oil mill effluent (POME)
110(2018)362-370 Abstract (14740 downloads)
Taewan Kim
Frontier between medium and large break loss-of-coolant accidents of pressurized water reactor
110(2018)355-361 Abstract (14715 downloads)
Huaibin Wei, Yimin Wang, Mingna Wang
Characteristic and pattern of urban water cycle: theory
110(2018)349-354 Abstract (14756 downloads)
Chao Yan, Tingting Du, Shuangshuang Yan, Shoukun Dong, Zhenping Gong, Zhongxue Zhang
Changes in the inorganic nitrogen content of the soil solution with rice straw retention in northeast China
110(2018)337-348 Abstract (14760 downloads)
Yubin Zhang, Zhengying Wei, Qiyin Lin, Lei Zhang, Jing Xu
MBD of grey prediction fuzzy-PID irrigation control technology
110(2018)328-336 Abstract (14757 downloads)
Jia Wang, He Gao, Chundong Lv
Analysing the influence of different street vegetation on particulate matter dispersion using microscale simulations
110(2018)319-327 Abstract (14749 downloads)
Xuesong Yan, Kewei Yang, Chengyu Hu, Wenyin Gong
Pollution source positioning in a water supply network based on expensive optimization
110(2018)308-318 Abstract (14714 downloads)
Jiading Wang, Ping Li, Yan Ma, Tonglu Li
Influence of irrigation method on the infiltration in loess: field study in the Loess Plateau
110(2018)298-307 Abstract (14718 downloads)
Fuqiang Wang, Ruijia Zhang, Pingping Kang, Heng Zhao
An evaluation of the ecological security of the Dongting Lake, China
110(2018)283-297 Abstract (14704 downloads)
Zhengong Tong
Micro-eddy coagulation mechanism and its application in water purification plants
110(2018)275-282 Abstract (14747 downloads)
Almotasembellah Abushaban, M. Nasir Mangal, Sergio. G. Salinas-Rodriguez, Chidiebere Nnebuo, Subhanjan Mondal, Said A. Goueli, Jan C. Schippers, Maria D. Kennedy
Direct measurement of ATP in seawater and application of ATP to monitor bacterial growth potential in SWRO pre-treatment systems
99(2017)91-101 Abstract (14878 downloads)
H. Sanawar, A. Siddiqui, Sz.S. Bucs, N.M. Farhat, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, J.C. Kruithof, J.S. Vrouwenvelder
Applicability of short-term accelerated biofouling studies to predict long-term biofouling accumulation in reverse osmosis membrane systems
97(2017)72-78 Abstract (14905 downloads)
J.R. McConville, E. Kvarnström, H. Jönsson, E. Kärrman, M. Johansson
Is the Swedish wastewater sector ready for a transition to source separation?
91(2017)320-328 Abstract (14937 downloads)
Stephan Wasielewski, Carlo Gottardo Morandi, Karen Mouarkech, Ralf Minke, Heidrun Steinmetz
Impacts of blackwater co-digestion on biogas production in the municipal wastewater treatment sector using pilot-scale UASB and CSTR reactors
91(2017)121-128 Abstract (14951 downloads)
A. Siddiqui, I. Pinel, E.I. Prest, Sz.S. Bucs, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, J.C. Kruithof, J.S. Vrouwenvelder
Application of DBNPA dosage for biofouling control in spiral wound membrane systems
68(2017)12-22 Abstract (14939 downloads)
Hanna Jaroszek, Wojciech Mikolajczak, Mariusz Nowak, Bozenna Pisarska
Comparison of the applicability of selected anion-exchange membranes for production of sulfuric acid by electro-electrodialysis
64(2017)223-227 Abstract (15169 downloads)
Rodrigo Poblete, Guray Salihoglu, Nezih Kamil Salihoglu
Investigation of the factors influencing the efficiency of a solar still combined with a solar collector
57/60(2016)29082-29091 Abstract (14991 downloads)
MaryTheresa M. Pendergast, Marek S. Nowosielski-Slepowron, John Tracy
Going big with forward osmosis
57/55(2016)26529-26538 Abstract (14993 downloads)
Thomas M. Missimer, Kim Choon Ng, Kyaw Thuw, Muhammad Wakil Shahzad
Geothermal electricity generation and desalination: an integrated process design to conserve latent heat with operational improvements
57/48-49(2016)23110-23118 Abstract (14954 downloads)
Lukasz Janczewski, Anna Trusek-Holownia
Biofilm-based membrane reactors – selected aspects of the application and microbial layer control
57/48-49(2016)22909-22916 Abstract (14988 downloads)
Abdullah H.A. Dehwah, Khan Z. Jadoon, Samir Al-Mashharawi, Thomas M. Missimer
Effects of nearshore evaporation rates on the design of seabed gallery intake systems for SWRO facilities located along the Red Sea shoreline of Saudi Arabia
57/48-49(2016)22726-22733 Abstract (15004 downloads)
L. Dvorák, M. Gómez, J. Dolina, A. Cernín
Anaerobic membrane bioreactors - a mini review with emphasis on industrial wastewater treatment: applications, limitations and perspectives
57/41(2016)19062-19076 Abstract (14993 downloads)
Shila Jafari, Bahareh Yahyaei, Ewelina Kusiak-Nejman, Mika Sillanpää
The influence of carbonization temperature on the modification of TiO2 in the removal of methyl orange from aqueous solution by adsorption
57/40(2016)18825-18835 Abstract (14964 downloads)
Ryan Drendel, Kristoph D. Kinzli, Andy Koebel, Thomas M. Missimer
Management of BWRO systems using long-term monitoring of feed water quality to avoid future membrane process failure
57/35(2016)16209-16219 Abstract (15029 downloads)
Artis Robalds, Liga Dreijalte, Oskars Bikovens, Maris Klavins
A novel peat-based biosorbent for the removal of phosphate from synthetic and real wastewater and possible utilization of spent sorbent in land application
57/28(2016)13285-13294 Abstract (14944 downloads)
Thipsuree Kornboonraksa
Using tertiary-treated municipal wastewater as makeup water by reverse osmosis membrane
57/16(2016)7422-7431 Abstract (14984 downloads)
Junhee Hong, Wanhee Lee, Joon Ha Kim, Jongwook Kim, Ieryung Park, Dongsoo Har
Smart water grid: desalination water management platform
57/7(2016)2845-2854 Abstract (15001 downloads)
D.A. Xevgenos, K. Moustakas, D. Malamis, M. Loizidou
An overview on desalination and sustainability: renewable energy-driven desalination and brine management
57/5(2016)2304-2314 Abstract (14851 downloads)
Bozena Lozowicka, Magdalena Jankowska, Ewa Rutkowska
Investigations on fungicide removal from broccoli by various processing methods
57/3(2016)1564-1572 Abstract (14947 downloads)
K. Minas, E. Karunakaran, T. Bond, C. Gandy, A. Honsbein, M. Madsen, J. Amezaga, A. Amtmann, M.R. Templeton, C.A. Biggs, L. Lawton
Biodesalination: an emerging technology for targeted removal of Na+ and Cl- from seawater by cyanobacteria
55/10(2015)2647-2668 Abstract (14998 downloads)
Seung Won Lee, Sarper Sarp, Dong Jin Jeon, Joon Ha Kim
Smart water grid: the future water management platform
55/2(2015)339-346 Abstract (14992 downloads)
D. Xevgenos, P. Michailidis, K. Dimopoulos, M. Krokida, M. Loizidou
Design of an innovative vacuum evaporator system for brine concentration assisted by software tool simulation
53/12(2015)3407-3417 Abstract (14985 downloads)
D. Xevgenos, A. Vidalis, K. Moustakas, D. Malamis, M. Loizidou
Sustainable management of brine effluent from desalination plants: the SOL-BRINE system
53/12(2015)3151-3160 Abstract (14991 downloads)
Karima Belaroui, Houria Djediai, Hanane Megdad
The influence of soil, hydrology, vegetation and climate on desertification in El-Bayadh region (Algeria)
52/10-12(2014)2144-2150 Abstract (15145 downloads)
O.T. Can
COD removal from fruit-juice production wastewater by electrooxidation electrocoagulation and electro-Fenton processes
52/1-3(2014)65-73 Abstract (15118 downloads)
H. Abdallah, A. El-Gendi, E. El-Zanati,T. Matsuura
Pervaporation of methanol from methylacetate mixture using polyamide-6 membrane
51/40-42(2013)7807-7814 Abstract (14869 downloads)
Chandran Prince Jebadass Isaac, A. Sivakumar
Removal of lead and cadmium ions from water using Annona squamosa shell: kinetic and equilibrium studies
51/40-42(2013)7700-7709 Abstract (14873 downloads)
R.M. Mohamed, I.A. Mkhalid, M. Abdel Salam, M.A. Barakat
Zeolite Y from rice husk ash encapsulated with Ag-TiO2: characterization and applications for photocatalytic degradation catalysts
51/40-42(2013)7562-7569 Abstract (14929 downloads)
Nayereh Niroomand, Majid Amidpour
New combination of solar chimney for power generation and seawater desalination
51/40-42(2013)7401-7411 Abstract (14901 downloads)
A.K. Sethi, V.K. Dwivedi
Exergy analysis of double slope active solar still under forced circulation mode
51/40-42(2013)7394-7400 Abstract (14878 downloads)
Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean, H.E. Fath
Exergy and thermo-economic analysis of solar thermal cycles powered multi-stage flash desalination process
51/40-42(2013)7361-7378 Abstract (14934 downloads)
Etienne Brauns
Finite elements based 2D theoretical analysis of the effect of IEX membrane thickness and salt solution residence time on the ion transport within a salinity gradient power reverse electrodialysis half cell pair
51/34-36(2013)6429-6443 Abstract (14930 downloads)
M.N. Abu Seman, Nidal Hilal, M. Khayet
UV-photografting modification of NF membrane surface for NOM fouling reduction
51/25-27(2013)4855-4861 Abstract (14904 downloads)
Ming-Chien Su, Nien-Hsin Kao, Wen-Chun Huang
Engineering application of MBR in treating the fiberglass wastewater
51/25-27(2013)4825-4828 Abstract (14925 downloads)